Sunday, November 30, 2014

Legs, Arms, Feet, and Hands

Down below are some notes over the parts of legs and arms to help you learn about those parts. There are also pictures to help give you a visual. I took these notes as I learned and studied the parts of arms, legs, hands, and feet for a labeling test. Enjoy!

  • Humerus Anterior View
    • Left side
      • Greater tubercle
      • intertubercular
      • shaft
      • radial fossa
      • lateral epicondyle
      • capitulum
    • Right side
      • lesser tubercle
      • head
      • anatomical neck
      • surgical neck
      • deltoid tuberosity
      • coronoid fossa
      • medial epicondyle
      • trochlea
  • Right Radius Anterior View
    • head of radius
    • neck of radius
    • radial tuberosity
    • ulnar notch of radius
    • styloid process of radius

  • Right Ulna Anterior View
    • trochlear notch
    • radial notch of ulna
    • ulna
    • distal radial joint
    • head of ulna

  • Bones of the Right Hand Dorsal Aspect
    • phalanges
    • distal
    • middle
    • proximal
    • metacarpals
    • carpals
    • capitate
    • trapezoid
    • trapezium
    • scaphoid
    • hamate
    • triquetral
    • lunate
  • Femur Anterior View
    • neck
    • greater trochanter
    • patellar surface
    • lateral epicondyle
    • lateral condyle
    • head
    • intertrochanteric line
    • lesser trachanter
    • adductor tubercle
    • medial epicondyle
    • medial condyle

  • Fibula Anterior View
    • head of fibula
    • fibular notch
    • lateral malleolus

  • Tibia Anterior View
    • medial condyle
    • tibial tuberosity
    • medial malleolus

  • Bones of the Right Ankle and Foot
    • phalanges
    • distal phalanx of hallux
    • proximal phalanx of hallux
    • metatarsal bones
    • head and 2 sesamoid bones
    • body base
    • tarsals
    • medial cuneiform 
    • intermediate cuneiform
    • lateral cuneiform
    • navicular
    • talus
    • cuboid
    • sustentaculum tali
    • calcaneus
    • tuber calcanei 

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