Monday, February 16, 2015

Sheep Brain Dissection

The pictures and information you will see down below are pictures of a sheep brain dissected into three different sections. The three sections are horizontal, saggital, and coronal. Sagittal is when the brain is cut in half through the midsection. Coronal is when the brain is divided on the left and right side into two equal parts. Horizontal is when the brain is cut through the pylorus and the tips of the ninth costal cartilages. By cutting the brain into different sections, you can locate and see different parts of the brain. Also, down below are a couple notes to help you understand some words and parts better. 


The pictures above are pictures of a sheep brain cut sagittal.

The pictures above are of a sheeps brain cut horizontal. 


The pictures above are pictures of a sheep brain cut sagittal.

  • Cerebrum:
    • contains cerebral cortex
    • contains the hippocampus 
    • contains basil ganglia
    • olfactory bulb
  • Cerebellum:
    • important role in motor control
    • language
    • attention
    • regulating fear
    • pleasure responses
    • contributes to coordination
  • Spinal cord:
    • makes up the nervous system with the brain
    • transmission of neural signals between the brain and the rest of the body
    • controls numerous reflexes 
    • controls central pattern generators
  • Medulla:
    • part of the brain stem
  • Pons:
    • contain nuclei 
      • relays signal from the forebrain to the cerebellum
      • sleep
      • respiration
      • swallowing
      • bladder control
      • hearing
      • equilibrium
      • taste
      • eye movement
      • facial expressions
      • facial sensation
      • posture
  • Midbrain:
    • vision
    • hearing
    • motor control
    • sleep/wake
    • arousal
    • temperature regulations
  • Hypothalamus:
    • links the nervous system to the endocrine system 
    • body temperature
    • hunger
    • behavior
    • thirst
    • fatigue
    • sleep
    • circadian rhythm 
  • Thalamus:
    • relaying of sensory
    • motor signals
    • regulation of consciousness
    • sleep 
    • alertness
  • Corpus Callosum:
    • connects the left and right cerebral hemoshpheres

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