Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Cardio Lab

We started off the 4th quarter finishing a huge cardio lab. In this lab we were recording if different genres of movies changed the heart rate. The first trial we had six subject watching Step Brothers (funny), Up (sad),  and Insidious (scary). The second trial we had the same test subjects and they watched the movies Pool Fails (funny), Marley and Me (sad), and The Conjuring (scary). After watching each of these we recorded the heart rates and you can find them below on the picture of the poster we made. We decided that the scary movies would cause you to have a greater heart rate change. Unfortunately the horror movies had the lowest percent change (-19%), which shows that the horror does not change the heart rate like we expected. The funny movies had the highest heart rate change (19%). Our hypothesis was proven wrong by our data; in the fact the opposite occurred. After collecting all the data, we printed it out and made a poster. Down below you will find all the information on the poster and you will see what you just read is a brief summary of it.

  • Hypothesis- If the subjects watched three different film genre clips, then the horror film clip would most likely cause the greatest increase in heart rate because of the perceived danger within the clip.
  • Problem-Our group monitored the heart rate of our 6 tests subjects, to decided if the genre of movie clip they watched (Horror, Comedy, Drama) affected, their heart rate.
  • Materials

    • Computer
    • Six different movie clips
      • 2 of each genre (Comedy, Drama, Horror)
    • Digital Blood Pressure Monitor
    • A variety of test subjects (3 females, 3 males)
  • Procedure-

    1. Our group began our experiment by picking out three different types of movie clips(comedy, horror, drama).
    2. We then found six volunteers to watch the movie clips, three being girls and the other three being boys.
    3. We recorded their initial heart rates before the start of the short clip and then after the end of each to be able to  compared them.
    4. We then picked out three more movie clips (comedy, horror, drama).
    5. The same six people watched the second set of clips. (the purpose of this was to be able to compare each persons personal results, from the first test results).
    6. Step 3 was then repeated in step 6, (The heart rates of the people were recorded before the starting of the clip and after each clip again).
    7. After we got all of our test subjects to finishing watching both sets of clips we recorded their individual results into a graph ALONG with a graph of all of the test subjects results together.
  • Abstract- Do different movie genres affect your heart rate? That’s the question this experiment set out to answer. We thought that if people watched sad, funny, and horror movie clips, then their heart rates would increase the most during the horror movie because of the perceived danger within the clip. To test this, the heart rates of each test subject were measured at the start of the experiments and then after each clip.  They watched a funny, sad, then horror clip. This process was repeated in a second trial. When you view the graphs, the horror test has the lowest percent changes (-19%), showing that horror does not increase the heart rate like we expected. Instead, the comedy clips has the highest percent changes (19%). This proves that comedies will increase heart rates more than sad or horror movies will.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Virtual Cardiology Lab

Down below are going to be pictures of the virtual cardiology lab we did online. The link to the lab is In this lab I learned how a stethoscope and  echocardiogram work. Also, below are some questions I answered while completing this lab.

1. When a doctor uses a stethoscope, what is being monitored?
     -The sound made by the vibration of the heart and blood as pumping occurs.
     Listening to the heart through a stethoscope usually allows one to hear the two heart sounds. The first sound occurs at the moment of mitral and tricuspid valve closing, the second sound at the moment of aortic and pulmonic valve closing. Some patients with disease have additional vibrations that can lead to other discrete sounds, or they may have turbulence, caused by flow through narrow arteries, that is picked up as a murmur.

2. Which of the following conditions can cause irregularities in the sound of the heart?
    -Moderate bradycardia and mild mitral valve regurgitation
Bradycardia is an abnormally slow heart beat rhthym. It's possible that the natural variation in the heart beat rate between individuals or in the same person may make it difficult to diagnose a slow heart beat as a clinical condition, but in principle, this condition is detectable based purely sound. Mitral valve regurgitation occurs because of an inability of the mitral valve to prevent the blood from flowing back from the left ventricle to the left atrium during systole. The back flow of blood (regurgitation) creates an abnormal 'whoosh' that can easily be detected. Atheroscierosis is deposition of fatty plaques in the wall of the arteries. When it occurs in the coronary arteries, that is, the blood vessels that supply the heart muscles, it can constrict the passage of blood and cause a heart attack. However, without other secondary symptoms, atheroscierosis is not easily detectable by sound alone.

3. What is a murmur?
    - A rumbling or blowing sound that is made by the heart, often by malfunctioning heart valves.
Murmors are often associated with problems involving the heart, often by malfunctioning heart valves.

1. How are the echocardiography images made?
   - Images are complied from ultrasound and reflected from the heart tissue.
Echocardiography uses ultrasound emitted from a probe. The sound is when reflected back to the probe when it encounters a solid object. The results are complied with a computer. X-rays, optical equipment or radar (using radio waves) are not used.

2. What do orange and blue colors on the blood represent in Doppier echo images?
    -The colors indicate whether the blood is moving toward or away from the probe.
Doppler echocardiography detects movement of blood. It has nothing to do with oxygenation or temperature. The colors are assign depending on whether the blood is moving toward or away from the probe.

3. Which of the following characteristics of the heart cannot be measure with echocardiography?
   -The oxygen content of the blood.
Echocardiography can provide very good real-time images of the heart. The valve movements can be monitored, the heartbeat can be measured by observing the movements, and the size of the chambers can be calculated. It does not however, monitor chemical compositions of the blood. So it cannot measure the oxygen content.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


In this lab my group and I measured Alexis's heart beat. A single heart beat contains five components which are P,Q, R, S, and T. P is the start of the impulse that spreads to the sinoatrial node downward from the atria to the atrioventricular node and to the ventricles. The QRS wave occurs when the ventricles contract, then the pulse travels septum then it travels up the outer walls. The T wave is the recovery (re-polarization) of the heart and you may notice that the T wave is a little big in this graph due to our equipment. The times it took the R wave to reach it's peak in our lab is listed below. After looking at them you can come to the conclusion that Alexis's electrical pulses occurred every 0.8 or estimating 75 beats per a minute.

  • Run 1- 0.682 seconds
  • Run 2 - 1.454 seconds
  • Run 3- 2.261 seconds

Heart Diagram

Down below are two pictures of two different examples of the heart. The first one shows parts of the heart colored a different color to help tell where they separate. The second one shows the way the blood flows. The blood flows through the superior vena cava  into the right atrium, through the A-V valve into the right ventricle, out the pulmonary valve into the pulmonary artery, through the pulmonary arteriole, through the pulmonary capillary, through the pulmonary venues , to the left atrium, flowing through the mitral valve into the left ventricle, flowing to the aorta. Also, at the very bottom is  picture of my labeling the heart quiz, which I got 20 out of 20.

Heart Dissection

In this lab three different hearts were dissected. We had a sheep heart (littles), a pig heart (middle sized), and a cow heart (biggest). While dissecting the hearts we were able to see and locate different parts of the heart that were not seen in all three. After cutting the heart open, we measured the main parts of the hearts. Down below are a few questions that I answered after completing this lab.

  1. After reviewing the artery and vein prepared slide, which blood vessel has the thicker walls? is there a possible reason for this, on the basis of blood vessel function?                                                  .. The right wall is thicker in all the hearts and I think this is because it has to be bigger due to the blood flowing in through the right atrium first. The wall has to be thicker to protect the vein (bigger vein).
  2. After viewing the cardiac muscle prepared slide, is cardiac muscle smooth or striated?………         ..The cardiac muscle in the heart is striated because it contracts to squeeze blood out and relaxes to let blood flow in. The heart is a muscle that never gets tired and never rests.
  3. After viewing the prepared slide of a coronary artery with atherosclerosis, what is the danger of having this artherosclerotic plaque on this particular artery?                                                ………     .. The danger is that it will block the blood flow.
  4. How does the basic structure of the heart compare between the three heart specimens?                      ..Our heart is more like the pig heart because its the medium sized heart. The sheep heart is more the size of an infants heart and the cow heart is way to big to compare to a humans heart.
  5. a. What are some of the major differences you observed in the heart specimens?                                 .. The smaller parts are located on the left side of the heart and the bigger are located on the right. .b.Can you think of any adaptive reasons for these differences?                                                           .. The fact that the blood flows in on the right side causes it to be bigger to take the great quantity in.

Inside the pig heart 

The picture above is of a pig heart. This heart was the middle sized heart of the three dissected. These pictures also show us measuring the heart. This was the first heart dissected and I was able to locate pretty much every part of the heart.
Measurements are listed below for length otherwise stated.

  • Aorta- 4cm
  • Pulmonary Trunk- 3cm
  • Left Atrium-4.5cm
  • Left Ventricle- 5cm
  • Left Outer Wall- 1.5cm
  • Right Atrium- 4cm thick
  • Right Ventricle- 3.5cm thick
  • Right Outer Wall- 1.5cm

Inside of the sheep heart

The pictures above are of a sheep heart. The sheep heart was the littlest of all three hearts dissected. I had a little trouble trying to locate the different parts because everything was so tiny. Down below are the measurements in length otherwise stated.

  • Aorta- 2.5cm
  • Pulmonary Trunk- 3cm
  • Left Atrium- 2cm
  • Left Ventricle- 10cm
  • Left Outer Wall- 1.5cm thick
  • Right Atrium- 4cm
  • Right Ventricle- 9cm
  • Right Outer Wall- 2.0cm thick

Inside the cow heart

The pictures above are pictures of a cow heart. When dissecting the heart I found a lot of interest, considering the fact it's the biggest one to be dissected. I found it easier to locate the different parts of the heart because it was so big. Down below are measurements in length otherwise stated.

  • Aorta- 7cm
  • Pulmonary Trunk- 12cm
  • Left Atrium- 7.5cm
  • Left Ventricle- 11.5cm
  • Left Outer Wall- 6.5cm thick
  • Right Atrium- 7.5cm
  • Right Ventricle- 11cm
  • Right Outer Wall- 7.5 cm thick

The graph below shows the difference between a cow, pig, and a sheep heart's thickness of the outer wall. The bigger the heart, the thicker the outer wall. The right side as you can see will always be bigger due to thats the side the blood comes in, which makes the right atrium bigger, causing the wall to be thicker to protect it better. The bigger the animal (heart) the more blood that is flowing in, causing the wall to once again be bigger. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Reflex Lab


  • Graph the electrical activity of a muscle activated by a reflex are through nerves to and from the spinal cord.
  • Compare the relative speeds of voluntary and reflex muscle activation.
  • Associate muscle activity with involuntary activation.
  • Observe the effect of central nervous system influence on reflex amplitude.
  • Calculate the approximate speed of a nerve impulse.
  • Compare reflex response and electrical amplitude in different subjects.

  • Computer
  • Vernier computer interface
  • Logger Pro
  • Vernier EKG Sensor
  • Vernier 25-g Accelerometer
  • Electrode tabs
  • Reflex hammer
  • Cable tie, 10cm long
  • Cloth Tape measure
  • Pen

In this lab we were testing the reflexes of my knee by hitting the patellar tendon with a reflex hammer. When the muscle is stretched, it activates nerve impulses that travel to the spinal cord. The reflex we tested is mainly a spinal reflex but also signals sent from and to the brain. Down below are the results.

The graph above is reflex number one. This is a regular reflex where the hammer hit the knee. The results of the reflexes are listed below.
  • 8.81-8.82= .01 difference
  • 10.0-9.99= .01 difference
  • 11.36-11.35= .01 difference
  • 12.63-12.59= .04 difference

The graph above is reflex run number two. In this run we just hit the knee with the hammer and recorded the results. Listed below are the results.
  • .33-.12= 0.21 difference
  • 6.97-6.94= .03 difference
  • 13.46-13.45= 0.01 difference

The graph above represents voluntary reflex number one. In this run Alexis was hitting the desk with the hammer every now and then and when I heard it hit, I would swing my leg. The results in time difference are listed below.
  • 6.89-6.64= .25 difference
  • 11.43-11.19= .24 difference
  • 15.60-15.49= .11 difference

The graph above shows voluntary reflex number two. The blue represents when the reflex hammer hit the knee and the red represents the reflex of the knee. 
Down below are the differences in each run.

  • .50-.30= .20 difference
  • 10.22-10.13= .09 difference
  • 12.10-11.87= .23 difference
  • 15.19-12.18= .01 difference

The graph above is of the tension reflexes. I grabbed one hand with another and tried to pull in each direction. This caused my muscles to be more tense. The results of my reflexes when this happened are listed below.

  • 8.85-8.82=.03 difference
  • 10.02-10.01=.01 difference
  • 11.39-11.38= .01 difference
  • 14.01- 13.95= .06 difference